is a Veteran Community and is not affiliated with the Government of Canada
The Veterans Canada - Veteran Directory is a national program that partners with businesses that want to do their part to honour and thank all who serve our country. Our business partners show their appreciation and thanks by providing preferred pricing on their goods and services.
Why Should I Join This is a new type of association for today's Veteran and Family members. It's one that targets business to partner, support and deliver benefits with discounts and preferred pricing for our Veteran Members. Through these partnerships we are able to provide an on-line Veterans Community FREE of charge to our Veteran Members. Click here to read about the Veteran Community.
As Veterans, we believe those who serve our great country should get the discounts or special deals most businesses routinely give to seniors or students. Through now all Veterans can get the respect and recognition due them with "everyday discounts" as a reward for their contribution to Canada.
Veterans who are members get discounts like our group plan with Economical Insurance of between 20 - 25% savings off Home and Auto Insurance. Veteran members may also receive a 10-percent discount off the Greyhound walk-up (unrestricted) fare. Another option for our members is to travel on Greyhound for a maximum fare of $198 round trip anywhere in the continental United States. Click here to view our Veteran Directory.
But is about a lot more than discounts. For the first time, our business partners have the opportunity to show their support of veterans with more than the purchase of a ribbon, pin or decal and are able to honour our veteran members by supporting their on-line community. Become a Business member and show Canada's Veterans you wish to acknowledge their service and want to honour and thank them by becoming a supporter. Click here for our rate sheet and list your promotion or discount.
Veteran Directory
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